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How to Choose the Right Commercial Boilers

There are many different types of commercial boilers available on the market, and while initial cost is a major factor when choosing the right equipment to invest in, there are many other important things to consider before making your decision. Making your choice based solely on price may cost you more in the long run. At Liquid Process Systems, customers are advised to make smart decisions based on more important factors like energy efficiency, overall cost to run, installation, warranties, and availability of replacement parts, from spares to more crucial components like bypass oil filter systems and replacement filter elements. When shopping for commercial boilers, look for:

  • Energy efficiency – This should be a major consideration as this could affect your system’s overall cost to run. Check energy labels for useful information, not only on the machine’s energy performance, but also other critical performance and efficiency parameters. Ask your supplier or manufacturer about the estimated efficiency rating for a complete package and system installation to ensure that the equipment you are buying is worth the price. Assessing a commercial boiler’s anticipated or projected energy use throughout its lifetime will help you estimate not only your cost to run, but also the amount of carbon it will likely emit, which will ultimately help you make a more environmentally sound decision.

  • Cost to run – Rather than making a decision based solely on upfront costs, it is crucial to take into consideration how much it would cost to run the equipment you are buying. Manufacturers typically provide life-cost models that help customers predict how much it would cost them to run their machinery, depending on projected fuel prices. An equipment’s life cost includes the boiler’s purchase price, as well as all anticipated costs to install, run, maintain, and service the unit.

  • Installation options – Another area that’s worth investigating is the amount of work involved in the installation of a commercial boiler along with all its necessary components, like the bypass hot oil filter. Manufacturers are now investing in easy to fit, lightweight designs that make commercial boilers easy to maneuver during installation. Cost of installation should also be a major consideration when looking for the right commercial boiler to invest in.

  • Replacement part availability – Finally, choose a manufacturer that offers easy access to replacement and spare parts, so you won’t need to worry about upkeep and maintenance should one component fail.

Liquid Process Systems supplies a wide array of heat transfer fluid filtration and thermal fluid filtration products for use in thermal fluid heating systems and hot oil boilers.

How to Choose the Right Commercial Boilers