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Blogs on Liquid Process Systems

The best way to reduce your operating expenses is to use and maintain energy efficient machines and equipment. Regular upkeep likewise extends the life of your investment, enabling you to get the most out of your capital. Understanding the inner workings of your electric heat exchanger is crucial to effective maintenance. When you know how

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An efficient hydraulic oil filtration system is crucial to the health of hydraulic systems as they protect machine components from damage caused by the contamination of hydraulic fluids and oils. This contamination is often triggered by particulates that get caught within hydraulic fluids. Approximately one million small particles (1 micron or larger in size) enter

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There is a Paratherm heat transfer fluid for different applications and temperature ranges. Different factors must be balanced and taken into account when formulating thermal fluid for process systems including physical properties such as thermal conductivity, density, and viscosity, base chemistry, purity or level of refinement, as well as proprietary formulation. The result being high

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An industrial oil filter plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality of thermal fluid and oil in lubricated systems. It prevents dirt and other carbon solid particles from contaminating systems and causing damage to the components of industrial equipment. Oil production and recycling facilities use filters as critical components in their manufacturing process. It’s

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There are many different types of commercial boilers available on the market, and while initial cost is a major factor when choosing the right equipment to invest in, there are many other important things to consider before making your decision. Making your choice based solely on price may cost you more in the long run.

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October 25, 2018

In a thermal fluid heating system, the component responsible for transferring heat from one medium to the next is known as a thermal transfer heat exchanger. This device transfers heat through conduction via exchanger materials that separate the mediums used. Heat exchangers are widely used in heating as well as cooling processes. The fluids being

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There is quite a wide variety of heat transfer fluids that you can choose from in today’s market. Each of these products has its own set of properties that make them suitable for various applications. Selecting the right fluid for your heat transfer system is often a complex, multi-dimensional decision that requires careful consideration of

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Having the proper thermal fluid filtration system in place is critical to maintaining optimal performance of your entire process heating operation. Loss of production due to breakdowns caused by fouled hot oil can mean a direct loss for your business. Trying to remedy the problem with temporary or quick fixes can cause even more damage

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Oxidation takes place when heat transfer fluid at high temperatures comes in contact with air. It can be termed as one of the most common ways that heat transfer fluid can experience degradation. The heat transfer systems used in process industries are an integral part of the plants. Proper maintenance and operation of the heat

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A thermal oil boiler fires through a helical coil and generates energy from the hot products of combustion. This, by heating the coil through radiation and convection. The coil heats the thermal oil or fluid that is pumped through the thermal oil boiler. The thermal oil heats coils in various types of heat users. Unlike

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Using heat transfer fluid systems without filtration means operating a less than efficient system. Lost production time brought on by unscheduled downtime and increased energy expenditure causes this fall in performance. Though heat transfer fluids are mostly stable when operated below their thermal stability limit and if not contaminated by agents from outside, they degrade

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To properly manage fluids subject to thermal degradation, it is helpful to understand the heat transfer fluid’s condition using regular fluid analysis testing. In a typical system, the thermal fluid should be sampled yearly. However, it is recommended to seek out a lab that is equipped to perform these important fluid analyses in a cost-effective

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Liquid Process Systems, Inc. known for its side stream thermal fluid filtration systems, recently shipped two more duplex liquid filtration systems to a large, multinational petrochemical consortium located in the North Pacific region. Just over five years ago, in the fall of 2011, this client approached us for a very challenging RFQ for filtering hot

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In manufacturing processes, where direct heating is not possible, a heat transfer medium is used. Steam used to be the only choice as water was easily available at low cost and resulted in very few environmental issues. Heat transfer by steam uses latent heat, i.e., the heat required to convert liquid into vapor without changing

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Indirect heating systems transfer the heat from combustion sources such as fuel or electric heating elements to hot oil or any other thermal fluid. This heat is then carried to the heat users (or exchangers) such as reactor jackets, presses, calendar rolls, molds or industrial fryers. In this way, the temperatures are maintained precisely. Heat

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